Cooking Class

Is organic really that much healthier?

We are happy to announce a class, covering basic principles for maintaining a balanced yogic/ vegetarian and/ or vegan diet. We will cover food/ drink topics, including raw vegetable juicing and
prepare a wonderful vegetable curry (not spicy) and fruit sweetened dessert.
We will use the healthiest (organic where possible) ingredients in the recipes we will be
creating. As we prepare our dishes – we will discuss varied elements of what a balanced
healthful diet is comprised of and entertain all questions. When food preparations are
complete, all are invited to sit and enjoy the meal together! You will receive the recipes
for the food you have prepared – and a bibliography of some great, vegan and vegetarian

For 50 years Jot Singh Khalsa he has been a strict vegetarian and Kundalini yogi, preparing nourishing, tasty, easy-to-digest vegan and vegetarian food.

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